Pineapple is a tropical fruit, delicious and refreshing. According to nutritionologist Tamara Mazaracki, it is still low in calories and a source of numerous essential nutrients for health and replenishing energy.
“100 grams or a thick slice (2 cm) contains only 50 calories, lots of vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folate, manganese, potassium and fibre”, highlights the professional member of the Brazilian Association of Neurology (ABRAN).
Also, according to the doctor, both the pulp and the peel of the pineapple benefit the body. Some are losing weight, treating colds and flu, and hydrating the body.
Belonging to the Bromeliacea family, the fruit can be consumed fresh, in tea or in sweet recipes. Learn more below!
Table of Contents
Pineapple Benefits

pineapple benefits
“Pineapple contains a good amount of nutrients, highlighting its high potassium content, which helps to reduce water retention,” explains Mazaracki.
In addition to the vitamins and minerals mentioned, tropical fruit also has vitamin A and calcium. All these substances are essential to promote the benefits of their consumption.
1. Protect cells and tissues
According to the neurologist, tropical fruit is rich in vitamin C and ferulic acid. These two substances act in the body as antioxidants, protecting cells and tissues against the action of free radicals.
“Ferulic acid is beneficial because it can neutralize the action and formation of carcinogens. It also protects against bone degeneration, promoting the formation of new bone tissue”, he explains.
2. Energize the body
This benefit relates to several substances in pineapple, such as fructose, fibre, manganese and vitamin B1.
“Pineapple has a high content of fructose and water. The liver metabolizes fructose and becomes glycogen, the body’s energy reserve”, says the doctor.
Furthermore, the soluble fibre content stabilizes blood glucose. Consequently, this action maintains a stable energy level in the body.
“Manganese and vitamin B1 are essential for energy production and help to metabolize carbohydrates“, he adds.
3. Improves mood
Tamara Mazaracki also confirms the potential of tropical fruit to transform mood. “Vitamin B6 becomes a cofactor to convert tryptophan into serotonin, which helps with good mood and brain energy .”
4. Maintains hydration
Another positive effect of this fruit is its performance keeping the body hydrated. All this is thanks to the high water content present in its composition.
As a result of this benefit, the body remains healthier and has more energy. This is because dehydration, even to a small degree, can cause fatigue.
5. Prevents menstrual problems
Often the menstrual flow ends up being intense and prolonged, much longer than usual. In these cases, the woman is at risk of losing essential minerals.
Iron, copper, zinc and manganese are substances eliminated in the flow. With this loss, the patient may even have anemia.
“Often, this increased flow is caused by manganese deficiency, and you get into a vicious circle. As pineapple is rich in manganese, it is easy to replace this important mineral, helping to normalize the problem”, says the doctor.
6. Prevents osteoporosis
Also, thanks to manganese, bone metabolism is beneficial. In practice, this mineral helps to build a solid and healthy skeleton. According to the doctor, this benefit is proven by science.
“Studies have shown that women with osteoporosis have an average of 30% less manganese in their bodies”, she warns. For this same reason, the professional advises the consumption of pineapple, as it is filled with precious minerals.
In addition to preventing brittle bones, this fruit also ends up being effective in the fight against osteoporosis.
7. Helps you lose weight
“Pineapple has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and intestinal function stimulating action, contributing to weight loss. Its fibres help satiety, so the fruit comes in as a perfect dessert”, confesses the neurologist.
Another benefit provided by the fruit that participates in the slimming action is the improvement of intestinal transit. For Tamara Mazaracki, the rich composition in fibres is responsible for this effect and for helping to deflate the belly.
But, of course, no food or drink should be interpreted as miraculous in the fight against overweight. To safely lose weight, fruits such as pineapple support changes in eating habits and the practice of physical exercise.
8. Fight inflammation
A well-known enzyme in this food is bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory and digestive action. According to a specialist in nutrition, this substance helps to dissolve blood clots, making the blood more fluid.
9. Prevents and treats flu
Remember the nutrients already mentioned by the neurologist at the beginning of the article, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, manganese and potassium?
So, all these substances are responsible for strengthening the immune system. “Because of this set of nutrients, the fruit has an antibacterial and antiviral action, helping the body to avoid colds and flu,” he explains.
Fruit recipes
According to the doctor, pineapple can be prepared in different ways. To do this, use your creativity and associate the fruit with other ingredients, such as teas, yogurt, coconut water and mate.
But in addition to using it in recipes, it can also be consumed fresh. “The indicated amount is one to two slices daily (from 100 to 200 grams). It can be served at breakfast, at snack time or as a dessert after the main meals”, he highlights.
Check out some recipes with this fruit below and learn how to diversify its use during the week!
Pineapple juice with mint

Pineapple juice with mint
- 1 cup of coconut water
- One slice of pineapple
- ½ lemon juice
- Ten mint leaves
- One tablespoon of flaxseed.
Preparation mode
Blend all ingredients in a blender and drink afterwards. This recipe indicates the neurologist and serves to detoxify the body.
Pineapple cake
- ½ sliced pineapple
- Three unpeeled water bananas
- Six teaspoons of flaxseed
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 3/4 cup of coconut oil
- 1 cup yeast
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
- salt to taste
- 1/4 cup of whole oats
- One cup of rice flour.
Preparation mode
Pineapple juice with ginger
- 1 cup of homemade mate without sugar
- One slice of pineapple
- Six strawberries
- One cabbage leaf
- One spoon (of coffee) of ginger
- One tablespoon of chia.
Preparation mode
This is another detox juice indicated by the doctor to cleanse the body. To do this, just put everything in a blender, mix, and drink immediately.
Light pineapple delight
- One chopped pineapple
- One pack of creamy vanilla pudding
- One light cream
- 500 ml of water.
Preparation mode
Pineapple Mousse
- 1 kg of pineapple cut into cubes
- One tablespoon of powdered culinary sweetener
- 12 g of colourless flavourless gelatin dissolved in 2 tablespoons of water
- 200 ml of skimmed milk.
Preparation mode
vegan pineapple ice cream
- 2 cups (of tea) of chopped pineapple
- ½ cup (of tea) of crystal or demered sugar
- 1/4 cup (of tea) of bottled coconut milk
- One package of 200 g of soy cream
- ½ teaspoon of emulsifier.
Preparation mode
Home remedies
With so many benefits, pineapple also serves as a natural remedy. Here we separate two recipes for you to make at home and take care of your health even more. Check out!
Pineapple Peel Tea
- 1 cup and ½ water
- One teaspoon of lemon juice
- mint leaves
- Pineapple peel.
Preparation mode
“The pineapple peel is rich in vitamin C, bromelain and a lot of fibre and can be used to prepare fermented drinks, cakes and sweets. It is important to sanitize the bark carefully. After
cleaning, use it”, advises the nutritionist.
- 500 ml of bee honey
- One medium-shelled pineapple.
Preparation mode
Cut the fruit into small pieces and place in a pan with the honey. Bring to a low heat and simmer for up to three minutes. Then strain and drink it during the day.
This natural remedy is indicated to treat respiratory problems such as cough, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pineapple
Even after all this information, you may still have some questions regarding the consumption of this tropical fruit. With that in mind, we separated the main questions involving pineapple and answered them all. Look!
1- Is pineapple sour for the liver or kidneys?
“Pineapple does not harm the liver or the kidneys; on the contrary, it helps in the functioning of these organs,” explains the doctor.
2- What is the difference between pineapple and pineapple?
“In some regions, it is called pineapple, and it can be sweeter or
less sweet, more fibrous or less fibrous, but there are no noteworthy nutritional differences; it’s just a variation on the same fruit,” explains Tamara Mazaracki.
3- Who has diabetes and can consume pineapple?
“Diabetics can enjoy the benefits of pineapple since the amount ingested is by the level of carbohydrates allowed in your specific diet, always giving preference to the fruit in
natura and avoiding the juice, not to make a glucose peak in the blood”, teach.
4- How to choose pineapple?
The colour of the fruit reveals its ripening stage. For example, pineapple with darker skin is still green, whereas ripe ones are lighter.
Furthermore, the crown of a ripe fruit is more flexible than that of an unripe one. Another point that must be considered is the smell given off by the fruit, the more fragrant the pineapple is, the sweeter it will be.
5- What are the contraindications?
“Allergic to pineapple, patients with decompensated gout (high uric acid), rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, gastritis and reflux may have problems with its ingestion,” comments the neurology professional.
In addition, Mazaracki also warns about using some medications that may contraindicate the consumption of the fruit. Therefore, if you are taking anticoagulants, antibiotics and anticonvulsants, it is best to consult your doctor before taking advantage of the juiciness and freshness of pineapple.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.