The pineapple peel is usually discarded after the pulp is extracted. This part of the fruit has numerous benefits for being rich in substances and nutrients essential for maintaining the body.
Bromelain, for example, is a potent digestive agent. In addition, the bark has a large amount of dietary fibre, which helps to increase the feeling of satiety and to lose weight healthily.
This part of the pineapple is versatile, ranging from juices to teas. The latter is even a potent ally against colds and flu.
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Benefits of consuming pineapple peel
Do you think only the pineapple pulp is rich in nutrients? The fruit peel also contains essential components for maintaining the body, such as vitamin C, protein and carbohydrates.
Each 100-gram serving contains an average of 18 grams of dietary fibre, representing more than half of what is recommended for daily consumption of this nutrient.
It is also a great source of minerals such as calcium, zinc, manganese and iron.
Increases the feeling of satiety and loss of weight
The dietary fibre in each portion of the pineapple peel increases the feeling of satiety, reducing hunger throughout the day and favours weight loss.
Fibre is a part of food that the body cannot digest and therefore has no calories, yet it is edible.
This fact makes them an excellent weight loss agent, as these compounds occupy a lot of place in the stomach, making you feel full faster and ingest fewer calories.
Thus, consuming pineapple peel juice or tea is a simple, easy and tasty way to lose and control your weight.
Stimulates digestion
Pineapple peel juice and tea can stimulate the production of digestive acids.
This property is derived from an enzyme found in large quantities in the bark, bromelain.
It stimulates not only the production of stomach acids and bile, a type of natural “detergent” that metabolizes fat and even improves the functioning of the pancreas.
The result is rapid relief from indigestion and a detox effect on the body. Bromelain also protects against the appearance of stomach ulcers.
Prevents the action of free radicals
One more reason to start drinking pineapple husk tea or juice is that these drinks protect the body against the action of free radicals.
These volatile compounds are produced when the body’s cells break down. The problem is that they “stick” to other cells, which are healthy and cause them to start to oxidize (degrade) in a chain reaction, making the body more fragile and prone to disease.
The main compounds of this type found in the fruit peel are phenolics and organic acids, such as ascorbic acid, another name for vitamin C.
This antioxidant effect can prevent brain cells from entering this oxidation process, preventing the appearance and advancement of neurodegenerative diseases.
Strengthens immunity
Are you the type who gets sick often? If so, be aware that pineapple husk juice or tea can help you. The drink helps boost your immune system, the body’s defence against disease.
Bromelain can stimulate the production of several cells that make up the immune system.
This increase in production mainly affects T cells, better known as white blood cells.
Thus, consuming these drinks increases the amount of them circulating in the bloodstream, improving the body’s response to any microorganism attack.
It improves blood circulation and reduces swelling
Want another reason to start using pineapple peel in recipes? The juice and the tea prepared with them stimulate blood circulation, thus preventing problems such as swelling, especially in the legs, and even thrombosis.
This mechanism is also derived from bromelain and happens because this enzyme can prevent the formation of clots and clumps of a type of protein called fibrin that serve to stop bleeding.
However, when they appear out of time or in large quantities, they impede average circulation and can lead to death in some cases.
To top it off, the bromelain from the pineapple bark also protects the veins from various types of damage. With this, the blood can circulate better and eliminate the active impacts of circulatory problems.
Regulates the bowel
Anyone who suffers from intestinal problems, whether constipation or diarrhea, can benefit significantly from the juice of the pineapple peel because the fibres from this part of the fruit act directly on the intestinal tract and improve a series of conditions.
The insoluble fibres in the bark improve the texture of the stool, leaving the poop in the correct consistency, reducing the time it takes to travel through the entire intestine until they are eliminated, and even stimulating the proliferation of good bacteria for the body.
These, part of the so-called intestinal flora, prevent intestinal infections and various diseases, from diarrhea to colon cancer.
Fights the symptoms of respiratory infections
Tea made with the fruit’s rind is excellent for relieving cough and helping to expel phlegm from the body.
This benefit is also derived from the action of bromelain, which is a powerful mucolytic agent. That is, it can dilute the phlegm that accumulates in the airways.
The substance complements treatments for bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, asthma and even common colds and flu.
And not only that, but a cup of pineapple peel tea also increases the production of defence cells, making the body recover faster from illnesses.
How to prepare?
Pineapple Peel Juice
- One pineapple peel
- 1 litre of water
- mint leaves
- Ice to taste.
Preparation mode
Wash the pineapple well and remove all the skin. Then, bring the peel, mint and ice to a blender and blend well until everything is healthy ground. Once that’s done, just strain and serve.
Pineapple skins are already sweet, but if you want to sweeten them, opt for honey or brown sugar.
Pineapple Peel Tea
- One medium pineapple peel
- 1 litre of water.
Preparation mode
Remove the skin and place it in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Blend everything in a blender and drink it still hot or chilled.
To maximize the effects of this infusion, you can add herbs such as ginger, cinnamon, and mint and sweeten everything with honey.
No contraindications were found for pineapple juice or tea, indicating that these are safe drinks for anyone.
But it is still necessary to avoid excesses because, being rich in carbohydrates, they can raise blood sugar levels by almost 55 grams per serving, especially for those suffering from diabetes. So don’t take more than three servings a day.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.