Eucalyptus tea is a homemade option to treat cold and flu symptoms that is already well known and used by many people. But the infusion also helps alleviate the discomfort of other problems, such as respiratory allergies and sinusitis.
The best thing is that everything is natural, super cheap, easy and with few contraindications, which justifies the popularity of Eucalyptus globulus , the scientific name of the tree, for therapeutic purposes .
However, even if it is a safe herbal medicine, it is necessary to be careful with its use. Check out these and other information below!
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Why use eucalyptus tea?
Treating colds and flu
Eucalyptus tea is a great remedy for treating colds, flu and other respiratory infections in an all-natural way. The essential oil from the leaves has an anti-viral action.
The infusion concentrates the oil extracted through heat and prevents proliferation and favors the elimination of viruses that cause these diseases. It even showed anti-proliferative effects against bacteria and fungi.
The main microorganisms affected by eucalyptus are the cause of diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia , for example.
Combined with antimicrobial action, the infusion helps to reduce fever, dilates the airways, ending nasal congestion and improving the quality of breathing. Thus, it acts to treat all aspects of the disease.
End the cough
Eucalyptus leaves also serve to relieve coughing , a very common and uncomfortable symptom of respiratory infections, thanks to their expectorant action .
This property, due to a substance called eucalyptol, makes it stimulate the movements of expelling the mucus (phlegm) that is accumulated, causing irritation of the airways.
It also helps to dilute the mucus produced during the infection. That is, it leaves the phlegm with a more liquid consistency and, consequently, easier to get rid of.
Alleviate respiratory allergies
Eucalyptus tea is used to treat allergies that affect the respiratory tract, such as to dust, mites or pollen, for example.
The mechanism behind this anti- allergic property is the anti-inflammatory action, which prevents the body from overreacting when it comes into contact with a foreign agent.
The leaves of this tree inhibit the release of histamine, a vasodilator compound that serves to trigger the wick of inflammatory processes. Preventing him from acting is one of the ways to stop the problem from evolving.
Treat sinusitis
Do you suffer or know someone who suffers from sinusitis ? The disease is an inflammation of the sinuses (bone cavities close to the nose) and can be caused by infections or allergies.
It causes severe pain and discomfort for sufferers. However, the good news is that drinking or taking a simple inhalation of eucalyptus tea can help to stop this.
The anti-inflammatory action of the herb acts directly on the problem and promotes pain relief, especially when it is due to an allergic crisis .
Antimicrobial effects also inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that can be the cause or further aggravate the condition. Accelerating recovery.
Decrease anxiety and stress
Do you know when you have that stressful day or can’t relax because of anxiety? The solution for this may be to drink a very hot cup of eucalyptus tea, as the herb’s essential oil is rich in anxiolytic properties .
The product has a depressant effect on the central nervous system, reducing excitement and causing relaxation that extends to the muscular part.
This creates a moderate anxiety-control potential , which also extends to stress.
To relieve muscle pain
One of the main substances found in the essential oil of this tree is cineole. It has the ability to relax the muscles and reduce spasms, which are one of the mechanisms that cause pain.
Furthermore, the compound prevents the stimuli, which carry information to the brain, from transmitting pain.
Allied to this there is the anti-inflammatory action , which acts directly on one of the most common causes of pain in joints , muscles and even menstrual and abdominal cramps .
How to make and use
The tea is very simple to make. To prepare the infusion, just use: 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves for each cup of filtered boiling water.
Leave to rest, covered, for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink, at most, twice a day , without sweetening.
This same recipe is used for inhalations , which are ideal for treating sinusitis. The difference is that you have to let it boil and inhale the smoke that comes out of the decoction. Repeat the process at least three times a day.
Care and contraindications
Eucalyptus has many uses but has some contraindications and necessary care. The first warning is in relation to pregnant women , nursing mothers and children under the age of 3, who should completely avoid using tea indoors.
Those who suffer from inflammation in the gallbladder, liver or gastrointestinal tract are also in the group of people who should avoid this tea.
Inhalation, in turn, should not be done by small children, as there is a risk of spasms in the larynx.
Another warning is in relation to excesses , which can cause nausea, diarrhea and even seizures in the most severe cases. For this reason, avoid taking the infusion for longer than a week and seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.