In this article, you will check out eight detoxifying teas that will work by helping one of the most essential organs in the body: the liver. With this ability, drinks can help excrete toxic substances from the body.
But these drinks only have this benefit because they contain diuretic properties. For this reason, they can help the liver clean the body, further benefiting the individual’s health.
Therefore, hot or iced tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. In addition, it offers several nutrients and antioxidant substances that protect the body from premature aging and degenerative diseases.
See below the most recommended teas for detoxifying the body and their other benefits. Also, check out homemade tips on how to cleanse the body and the recipe for a tea that helps to deflate the body.
Table of Contents
Teas detoxify the body.
The detoxifying teas are Green tea, elderberry tea, boldo tea, dandelion tea, thyme tea, leather hat tea, artichoke tea and milk thistle tea.
Drinking tea 30 minutes before or after meals can help cleanse the body and keep the liver healthy. See below for more information about the best teas to clean your body!
1-2. Detoxifying and slimming: Green tea and elderberry
According to sports nutritionist Bruna Morais, green tea is a diuretic drink. For this reason, it manages to expel toxic substances from the body through the pee. In addition, it is considered one of the thermogenic drinks that most promote burning body fat. Indicated for those who want to lose weight with health.

Detoxifying and slimming
On the other hand, elderberry bark tea can be used to detoxify the body due to its purgative property. This means to say that this drink can clean and purify the body.
Green tea: Boil 200 ml of filtered water and add a tablespoon of green tea.
Elderberry tea: Boil 200ml of filtered water and add a tablespoon of elderberry husks.
3-4. Cleansing and diuretic action: Boldo tea and dandelion
“Boldo tea has been reported in the literature as an excellent agent against ailments and disorders of the digestive tract, poor digestion, liver disorders, rheumatic manifestations and urinary inflammation.” For this reason, it can be used to cleanse the body and help eliminate body fluids. Also, it is considered an antioxidant.

Cleaning and diuretic action
But it is not just the boldo that has these principles. That’s because dandelion tea is also considered an ally of the liver and urinary system.
Boldo tea: Two cups of boiling water and a tablespoon of boldo leaves.
Dandelion tea: 200 ml of boiling water and one tablespoon of dandelion.
5-6. Detoxifiers: Thyme tea and leather hat
Although not recommended for pregnant or hypertensive women, thyme tea is indicated to stimulate the liver, besides being a drink with digestive actions, increasing appetite and fighting anemia.
The leather hat plant can also be considered an antioxidant. “Infusing its leaves is widely used as a diuretic and body cleansing agent.
Thyme tea: Boil 200ml of water and pour two teaspoons of dried thyme into a cup.
Leather hat tea: Boil a litre of filtered water and add two tablespoons of the dried leaves of this plant.
7-8. Teas to Detoxify the Liver: Artichoke and Milk Thistle

Liver Detox Teas
Artichoke contains liver protective and regenerative properties. The tea from this plant also prevents hepatitis, diabetes, overweight and liver failure. All this is thanks to choleretic and cholagogue medicinal powers.
According to the Ministry of Health, milk thistle acts as a hepatoprotection in a normative instruction on the simplified registration herbal medicines list.
Artichoke Tea: One cup of boiling water and one tablespoon of sliced artichoke.
Milk thistle tea: Half a litre of boiling water and two tablespoons of the plant.
What is the best tea to deflate?
Three plants stand out for their slimming properties: horsetail, ginger and green tea. The first of them originated in Europe and has the scientific name Equisetum giganteum L. Ginger, in turn, even though it comes from India, was acclimated in Brazil. Green tea, on the other hand, comes from Southeast Asia.
According to studies carried out, ginger is an excellent thermogenic. Horsetail is used as a diuretic, widely applied in cases of obesity associated with fluid retention. And green tea has active ingredients that can promote satiety, delaying the feeling of hunger.
What helps to detoxify the body?
To take care of the liver, we can adopt some habits, among which are the following: a low-fat diet, avoiding the consumption of refined flour, rest, reducing the stress level and practicing physical activities.
The liver is one of the essential organs in our body, as it filters the blood, synthesizes cholesterol, produces noble proteins, secures bile, stores glucose, detoxifies the body and others.
Taking care of the most significant gland in our body is essential. That’s because, if you have any problem, the liver can cause symptoms such as headache, inability to concentrate, asthma, depression, nausea, bad mood, and poor digestion.
Therefore, you should adopt healthy habits such as adequate rest, healthy eating and exercise. Furthermore, as we have seen, detoxifying teas can also help cleanse the body.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.