Do you know all the types of fruits? There are several classifications to group fruits, but we are going to focus on the classification by its acidity.
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Types of fruits to take care of your health
To begin with, we all know that fruit is the edible fruit obtained from certain plants and that it is usually eaten as a dessert. That is, at the end of the main meals, although it is also taken at breakfast or as a snack.
We usually eat them when they are ripe and are a source of healthy fiber, as well as various vitamins and minerals. The fruits have high nutritional value. In addition, they provide us with a large amount of water and generally, they provide us with few calories.
The water from this type of food has healthy properties and is ideal for optimal hydration. There are kinds of fruits, like the different berries that have less water. However, berries carry the necessary nutrients to be considered an essential food.
The daily consumption of fruits is associated with a healthy diet. In addition, according to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) we need to take at least 400 grams of fruit and vegetables a day. An amount more than enough to maintain good health. In addition, it helps us improve overall health and reduce the risk of certain non-communicable diseases.
To understand fruits and the best way to eat them, we recommend dividing them into groups according to their acidity.
Types of fruits according to their acidity
The fruits have different classifications, but let us focus on the classification of fruit by its acidity.
Fruits, due to their acidity, are divided into neutral, sweet, acidic and semi-acidic fruits. Likewise, they all provide us with a multitude of different nutrients and a great contribution of water.
It is important for health, the correct combination between these kinds of fruits. Eating these foods correctly can benefit our digestion and help us avoid stomach and liver problems .
Likewise, the consumption of fruits helps us to have a healthy and balanced diet. It provides us with essential nutrients that are essential to lead a healthy life.
In this classification we find the following list of fruits :
Sour fruits
The acidic fruits are what we provide nutrients that can help us control cholesterol levels and high uric acid among other benefits. Although these types of foods are thought to be very acidic in taste, they are not. Some of the varieties, and depending on their maturity, do not have a too acidic taste despite the fact that they belong to this category.
The following list are classified as acidic: acerola, carambola, chayote, raspberry, guava, kiwano, kiwi, lemon, apple *, orange, pineapple, grapefruit, tamarind and grapes. Furthermore, berries like blackberries are also acidic fruits.
* Depending on the variety, they can belong to different types of fruits.
The apple according to its variety can be sour fruit or sweet fruit. The properties of the apple are well known but we have to pay special attention to the fact that this type of fruit has a very healthy fiber, it is rich in pectin.
Within the list of types of plants with tropical fruits we find the kiwi, which is one of the most well-known exotic fruits in the world. These types of plants can be seen anywhere in the world, thanks to greenhouse crops that help preserve them.
We cannot ignore the orange , since in Spain we usually consume it in season. It provides us with vitamin C that is and necessary for our immune system in colder times.
Semi-acid fruits
The semi – acid fruits are the different types of fruits and berries that those with high protein and biological.
The following list is classified as semi-acid: strawberry, guava, lime, taro, mandarin, mango, African mango, cashew, peach, quince, nectarine, sago, tomato and jackfruit.
Strawberry is a fruit with antioxidant properties. In addition, it is a source of vitamin B. Incredibly, the wild strawberry plant is native to the Alps. The varieties of this plant can be found anywhere in the world, but it is true that this fruit is easier to find in tropical areas.
Sweet fruits
The sweet fruits are those belonging to the type that best combines each other. From a nutritional point of view they are especially rich in vitamins and minerals . Taking into account its combination and its correct digestion. They are not compatible with neutral or acidic ones.
They are from the following list: apricot, sugar apple, fig, persimmon, cherry, custard apple, plum *, dates, passion fruit, pomegranate, granadilla, currant, soursop , guava *, fig, prickly pear, apple *, melon, medlar, papaya, Paraguayan, pear, pitahaya, banana, watermelon , grapes * and sapote.
* Depending on the variety, they can belong to different types of fruits.
Most of these futas are well known. The apricot , rich in vitamins A and C, fibers and low in carbohydrates, is characteristic for its shape and its pleasant sweet taste. The apricot is a Mediterranean fruit that we can easily find in our markets. Likewise, the pear, thanks to vitamin B, has properties that help us against heart problems.
As a curiosity, many people believe that the fig , being a very sweet fruit, has many calories but its caloric intake is somewhat higher than that of an apple. In addition, the properties of figs make it a unique fruit.
Sweet tropical fruits
Soursop or graviola is an exceptional exotic fruit from plants in the tropics. They are considered exotic fruits with an incredible source of energy, it contains a large amount of Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, potassium as well as vitamins of group B.
The pitahaya or dragon fruit is another of the exotic fruits with a characteristic shape whose plant can be found in tropical areas such as Nicaragua, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Peru and Ecuador where other exotic varieties of fruit are also planted. it has a pleasant flavor and its soft, sweet and soft pulp make it unique. The red or fuchsia varieties contain less sugar.
Neutral fruits
Nutritionally speaking, neutral fruits are the richest in essential nutrients for our body that help us to have a healthy and balanced diet. They are very rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and proteins.
Those in the following list are classified as neutral: avocado, almond, hazelnut, cocoa, chestnut, coconut, corozo, macadamia nuts , peanuts and walnut.
For the most part, nuts are foods that do not have human manipulation. We pay special attention to coconut, an ideal fruit to combat the heat, native to tropical areas, but consumed anywhere in the world.
This article is only indicative, so we recommend if you have any questions, consult a nutritionist, dietician or a health professional who can help us achieve a digestive balance that will provide us with an optimal mental state.
How do we combine the different types of fruits?
It is important to know what fruits and vegetables give us and the advantages and benefits of consuming fruit every day. In addition, it is as important or more important to know the healthiest way to combine them .
To get the maximum benefit from the fruit intake, we have to pay special attention to the combination. When we eat fruits we have to take into account, not only for the nutritional contribution, but also for the way we digest these foods.
Although fruits or berries are considered very healthy foods, we have to take into account other aspects.
When we eat them, I start the digestive process that makes them ferment. Therefore, it is important that we have a healthy digestion and that our body is able to absorb all the benefits of these foods.
Fruits are foods with a high nutritional value. However, a bad combination of fruits, berries or vegetables can cause digestive problems. Consequently, they can cause digestive discomfort and, in addition, weight gain.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.