Drinking tea for reflux is the natural way out to lessen the symptoms of this condition. Among the main signs are heartburn ( burning ), difficulty in swallowing, coughing and nausea.
The most common cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the failure of the muscle valve that separates two organs, the esophagus and the stomach . Called the esophageal sphincter, it is responsible for preventing the gastric contents from returning and causing regurgitation.
When the valve does not play its role perfectly, gastric secretions return to the esophagus and cause the symptoms already mentioned. This is where reflux tea comes in, as it soothes the organs of the gastrointestinal system.
Chamomile, ginger and fennel tea are some examples of drinks that help fight this condition. However, it is also important to know which foods to consume and which to avoid, since eating can both ease and worsen GERD symptoms.
Table of Contents
Best Teas for Reflux
All beverages made to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease have gastrointestinal properties . For this reason, they manage to alleviate the main symptoms of this condition. Check out 5 options below!
1. Fennel tea
Known for being one of the main natural treatments for stomach disorders, fennel soothes the signs of reflux. One of the reasons is the antispasmodic property that the plant has. In other words, it prevents spasms in some organs like stomach and intestine.
It is so beneficial that it is recommended to be used on a daily basis in the form of tea, especially at supper, before bed . Toast and Minas cheese can be excellent accompaniments to this drink.
Even if it is a natural product, it is common to have contraindications or side effects from its use. But, in the case of fennel, there are no records of these points.
Put three spoons (of coffee) of the plant in 150 ml of water and bring to a boil. As soon as it comes to a boil, turn off the heat and wait for it to cool. It is recommended to drink a cup three times a day.
2. Chamomile tea
Another very popular herb with digestive properties is chamomile . Through tea, this plant acts as a tranquilizer for the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Tea is used for reflux because it relaxes the muscles that move food. In addition, it is indicated to treat cramps, stomach pain, flatulence, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and ulcers.
An important detail is that this tea is beneficial for adults and children . Therefore, if babies over six months old experience reflux, they may also benefit from this drink.
However, it can trigger some allergic reactions in patients, so it’s a good idea to get tested first. In addition, doses higher than recommended can have the opposite effect, increasing nausea, insomnia and nerve excitement.
Boil 150 ml of water and then add a tablespoon of chamomile flowers. Cover the container and wait 5 minutes or until the drink is lukewarm. Drink three to four times a day.
3. Ginger
Traditionally, Zingiber officinale, the scientific name for ginger , is used to treat the symptoms of reflux and dyspepsia (the famous indigestion). This is all because it is considered a gastrointestinal stimulant .
Therefore, nausea and vomiting can be avoided or treated with this rhizome. Even pregnant women and children can enjoy these benefits without compromising their health.
However, it is important to be aware of the amount consumed. According to some studies, doses greater than 5 grams per day can cause a reverse effect to waiting, increasing symptoms such as heartburn and abdominal discomfort.
Put 150 ml of water and two teaspoons (coffee) of the rhizome in powder or pieces in a pan. Bring the mixture to the fire and bring to a boil. After these processes, just wait for the decoction to cool and then drink it. This tea can be taken two to four times a day.
4. Espinheira Santa
Of all the benefits of espinheira santa , gastric activity is the most cited by scientific research. For that reason, it yields a tea for reflux.
Furthermore, it can also be used in the treatment of other disorders such as gastritis . However, it is not recommended for children under six years of age, nursing mothers and pregnant women up to the third month of pregnancy.
Make an infusion using 150 ml of hot water and two teaspoons of hawthorn leaves. Allow it to cool and then drink three to four cups throughout the day.
5. Boldo tea
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease is one of the types of dyspepsia, but boldo is a plant that can alleviate this problem. Due to its bile-stimulating properties, the herb is able to contribute to a better digestion of food .
Even with this benefit, the tea is contraindicated for children under 6 years and for nursing mothers. And the treatment made with this drink cannot exceed four consecutive weeks.
Place two teaspoons of boldo leaves in 150 ml of hot water. Cover the container and allow it to cool. This tea should be taken up to twice a day.
Tips for reflux and heartburn
Symptoms of these problems can occur more easily after consuming some foods or with the practice of habits considered unhealthy.
For example, fatty products, spices, citrus, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and coffee can trigger reflux and heartburn or exacerbate their symptoms.
In addition, eating any food in excess or lying down right after a meal can also be harmful practices, especially for those who already suffer from these conditions constantly.
Thus, avoid all these practices mentioned and consume lighter foods , especially before bed. Another tip is to drink tea for reflux to prevent the condition and not wait for symptoms to appear before treatment.
Finally, if the chosen treatment has no effect on the body, even after a few days of use, it is best to look for a health professional and report the history of the condition (how long have you felt the reflux, what are the symptoms and what? was made to treat you).
Thus, the specialist will know how to proceed and indicate the best treatment to be followed.
What is bad for reflux?
Check out what are the foods and beverages that can further harm the health of those who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease!
Alcoholic and carbonated drinks
While alcohol irritates the inside of the stomach , carbonated drinks contribute to the high pressure inside the stomach . In both cases there may be an increase in reflux.
Fatty foods rich in simple carbohydrates
The stomach takes longer to digest fats from foods such as fried foods, bacon and red meat in general. Therefore, the chances of experiencing heartburn episodes are increased.
In the case of carbohydrates, as in the case of foods made with traditional flour, they are capable of hindering the performance of the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach, facilitating regurgitation.
Coffee and chocolate
Both can cause an increase in the production of gastric juice and, consequently, can increase the body’s chances of suffering from a burning stomach.
Spicy foods
In addition to irritating the internal part of the stomach, the presence of pepper in food, or the food itself, can increase stomach acidity .
Teas that cause heartburn
In the same way that there is tea for reflux, there are also infusions capable of causing the symptoms of this problem, as is the case of teas with caffeine, such as green and black tea . These are prohibited for the same reason as coffee: they increase the production of gastric juice.
In addition to these, cascara sagrada is also contraindicated for those who suffer from this problem, as it is capable of causing discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
Another drink that should be avoided is mint tea . Despite being a surprise to some people, peppermint is responsible for the worsening of the symptoms of this problem and therefore it is better to be excluded from the base of treatments.
How to avoid?
One of the ways to avoid reflux is to opt for a more balanced diet. For example, substitute red meat for white meat or adopt a vegetarian and/or vegan diet.
Speaking of lighter meals, the consumption of vegetables, vegetables and seasonal fruits is also recommended for those who want to prevent heartburn, burning and nausea.
Another good step to avoid gastroesophageal reflux disease is to adopt whole foods in your daily life , as they are rich in fiber.
Eating every three hours, avoiding drinking fluids with meals, and resting after eating are other healthy practices that can be added to reflux tea in combating this troublesome problem.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.