Table of Contents
Ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph
Every human being has a body shape produced by genetics and other factors.
We are all built differently, everyone can follow a diet to lose or gain weight at their own pace.
Maintaining a diet to lose weight and the rules of a weight loss program is the most critical and challenging part when we want to lose weight.
Before starting any diet to lose weight, it is essential to know about the constitution of each type of body, or rather to know what your body type is, the general categories and the variety of shapes and sizes that come with them, such as metabolism, training bone mass, muscle mass, the tendency to accumulate fat and the potential for each of us to lose extra pounds.
Knowing the three basic body types to adjust a diet better to lose weight, your training regimen and your nutrition is essential.
There are many types of diets for weight loss, such as diet Rina, and Dukan or Mediterranean diet, but how do you know which diet is best suited to your body? It is known that not all of us respond equally to the same type of diet, and this is caused by metabolic individuality.
You can take the constituent type or the genetic biotype as a calculation element. But for this, you must establish which genetic biotype you belong to. There are three global biotypes:
Ectomorfo 7-1-1, Mesomorfo 1-7-1, Endomorfo 1-1-7
Each of the three somatic types has its good points, but some also have bad moments, so you have to consider all the strengths and weaknesses when it comes to dieting and training.
How can I find out my body type and what diet to lose weight follow?
You should already know what you are by simply reading the characteristics of an ectomorph, mesomorph, and Endomorph. Now, you have to ask yourself a few questions:
Grasp the wrist of one hand with the other encircling it between the thumb and the middle finger of the other hand.
- If the thumb and middle finger touch when you grab your wrist with your other hand, it means that it has a large bone structure (Endomorph)
- barely touching – has average bone structure (Mesomorph)
- if they overlap – has a small bone structure (Ectomorph)
Do the fingers overlap, do I feel, or is there space between the finger and the thumb?
Are my shoulders wider than my hips? If so, you could be a mesomorph or an ectomorph.
Is my waist sharp? If yes, you could be a mesomorph.
Are my hands and feet small for my size? Or are they significant?
Endomorphs tend to have small hands and feet, while ectomorphs have more significant and longer limbs.
Are the bones in my face noticeable? Or is my face smooth and round?
Are your forearms small, average, or large? Again, small leans towards ectomorph and so on.
By answering these questions, you can tell with sufficient precision in which direction you are leaning.
For example, suppose you have average bone structure, shoulders wider than hips, and a huge belly. In that case, you may fit the Mesomorph-endomorph or, when you are relatively tall, with a small and weak bone structure and few muscles, you are an ectomorph.
What is Ectomorph?
Ectomorph is the weak biotype, with a delicate body constitution and a slender and flexible person.
It has underdeveloped muscles compared to the length of the limbs but is defined as a weak and flat chest and an oval face. Although ectomorphs are slim, they are well-defined from a muscular point of view, but they have enormous difficulties gaining body weight.
What are the characteristics of an ectomorph?
- Slim constitution
- fast metabolism
- Narrow chest
- Thin bones
- Small ass
- Low fat
- Long limbs
- Low appetite
- Build hard muscles
- Gain weight and strength with great difficulty and lose power easily
- Hyperactive
Other characteristics of an ectomorph include having a delicate stature, especially in women. Ectomorphic types also have trouble regulating temperature due to a lack of fat and muscle mass.
At the opposite end of the thin-heavy spectrum, where the ectomorph takes the thin lot, you have the Endomorph, whose body is naturally round, smooth, and robust. Endomorphs gain muscle much faster than ectomorphs.
Diet tips for slimming ectomorph s
- As a general rule, this biotype’s effective weight loss diet consists of many carbohydrates, moderate protein and low fat. As a percentage, it can drop into 55-60% carbohydrates, 25-30% protein, and 10-15% fat.
- The carbohydrates in the diet to lose weight include potatoes, rice, pasta, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts.
- Increase the number of calories daily, and you will gain weight.
- Consume more protein. In addition to carbohydrates, you also need to introduce a more significant amount of protein, so you will see how muscles are built. If you exercise, opt for smoothies, eggs, and meat, but don’t overdo the amounts.
- Eat once every 2-3 hours because you have severe burns.
- Don’t eat unhealthy foods like sugar or fast food.
Tips and exercises for ectomorphs
- Do not do too much cardio because you need to maintain muscle mass.
- Opt for strength exercises.
- Don’t go to the gym more than three times a week. Take a break after every sports day.
What is Mesomorph?
The mesomorph is a person who eats almost anything and has a developed muscle mass and a meager percentage of fat. The mesomorph tends to gain muscle and burn fat faster than the ectomorph and Endomorph.
That makes Mesomorph a good-looking person, and he does it without much effort
Characteristics of a mesomorph:
- Heavy and athletic body
- Well defined muscles
- Strong bones
- Gain strength easily
- Sturdy body
- Easily increase muscle mass
- Easily increases fat deposits
- You can also lose muscle mass and fat easily
- Complex, rectangular shape for men; hourglass shape for women
- Average to a fast metabolism
- Thick skin
- It stands out for having an ideal posture
Other characteristics of the mesomorph include well-muscled hands and feet, square jaws, and clearly defined cheekbones. Mesomorphs are also tan well due to the thickness of their skin.
Diet to lose weight Mesomorphs
- Eat balanced meals: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Eat sweet potatoes, whole grains, lean meat, fruits, and vegetables.
- To gain weight, eat 500 calories more than usual and 200-500 less if you want to lose weight.
- Consume 4-6 meals a day.
- To outline the muscles, lift weights. If you are a woman, I do not recommend doing this because building too much muscle mass is unnecessary.
- Do different exercises for each muscle group. Go for 3-4 reps.
- You can also do cardio 2-3 times a week.
- You can exercise 5 times a week.
What is an Endomorph?
It is a robust build with large and thick bones, medium-small height, consistent fat layer, and a substantial muscle mass. A slow metabolism Easily put on muscle mass but also adipose tissue.
Endomorphs must have a healthy diet rich in nutrients and proteins but low in calories and carbohydrates to lose weight. If you are an endomorph, you have to consider that to reduce the percentage of body fat, in addition to eating healthy, frequent cardiovascular training is recommended to burn excess accumulated calories.
Don’t neglect strength training; circuit training sessions are the best option because they combine cardio and strength training. Other helpful tips to speed up your metabolism can be found here.
Characteristics of an endomorph:
- Large bone structure; “Big bones.”
- Soft and round body
- Short, sturdy limbs
- Skinny jeans fit around the hips and glutes
- Slow metabolism
- Losing fat with difficulty
- Gain fat and muscle at an average rate
- Muscle blur
- Increased appetite
Additional characteristics of endomorphs include short arms and legs with small hands and feet. Due to their typical girth, the length of their constituents and the size of their hands and feet tend to make endomorphs look less fit than other body types.
Diet to lose weight Endomorph
Limit your calorie intake because it deposits very quickly. Eat smaller portions and more often.
Digestion is slow, so I recommend eating beans, broccoli, greens, cabbage, carrots, fruits, and greens.
Opt for lean proteins like fish, egg whites, or tofu cheese.
Drink lots of water and avoid unhealthy foods.
Here you have the diet plan to lose endomorphs
Breakfast ;
Yogurt, orange juice and toasted ham cooked with oil.
Lentil salad with potatoes and prawns.
Grilled pork sirloin and spinach salad. Bread.
Exercises for Endomorph body type
Get at least 30 minutes of cardio a day, especially if you want to shed extra pounds.
You can choose to lift weights.
You can also exercise 5 times a week.
Many of you may have a body formed by an association of 2 types. Identify the combination and associate the two types of diet and exercise. Do not compare yourself with others,; follow these simple rules to have a desirable body.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.