With the approach of summer, women and men are already beginning to think about enjoying the sun on the beach or in the pool, but to arrive in optimal conditions it will be necessary to start with some special care that goes from skin and hair to a diet routine and exercise to be in shape.
One of the keys, to eliminate those kilos gained during the winter, is to eat healthy and do some physical activity. Accompanying the exercise with a low calorie diet will be essential to prepare for Operation Summer.
Some of the measures to take to be in shape is to include fruits, vegetables and all kinds of lean proteins such as chicken, fish and red meat in the daily diet, always eating five meals a day, avoiding large amounts of carbohydrates.
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Lose weight before summer arrives.
And for those who have to lose weight before the arrival of summer, there are excellent plans such as the ideal pineapple diet to lose weight quickly, combining this fruit with antioxidant, satiating, diuretic and digestive properties, with lean animal protein.
Following a healthy and balanced diet is essential to lose weight in a healthy way and that is why many people opt for longer-term plans to lose weight and stay in shape like the Mediterranean diet.
But, for the plan to be successful, regular physical exercise is essential, and it is advisable to do physical activity at least three times a week and a minimum of half an hour a day, as this helps the body burn fat.
Avoiding very greasy or sweet foods not only helps you eat fewer calories a day and lead a healthier life, but also helps you achieve your goal of losing weight without suffering a rebound effect.
The idea is not to become obsessed with the body or with the figure and lose weight to be fit but also to improve health avoiding the negative consequences of excess weight.
Detox routine before summer
For those who do not have to lose many kilos, doing a “Detox Routine” following a diet based on natural foods such as vegetables, fruits and cleansing juices is the best way to eliminate toxins, lose a couple of kilos and show off a prettier skin.
Actually, the detox routine is not a diet in itself but, as its name indicates, it serves to detoxify the body and therefore cannot be done for long.
After a couple of days of doing a detox routine, the body will be able, if necessary, to follow a low calorie but balanced diet avoiding excess fat and carbohydrates.
Protein diet
The protein diet is another option to lose weight and be in shape before the arrival of summer. It is a nutritional plan that allows you to lose weight relatively quickly and without health risks.
This weight loss plan is based on the intake of a diet rich in protein but which in turn eliminates the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. Thus, the body enters a state of ketosis, a metabolic process that appears when the body uses all the accumulated fat as energy.
It should be remembered that a protein diet is a process that has to be followed under medical supervision because it is a somewhat complex form of weight loss that usually includes vitamin supplements that will cover the nutritional needs for the duration of the weight loss plan.
Miracle diets vs healthy weight loss habits
Diet is usually the first thing many people change before the arrival of summer. But it is necessary to warn that miracle diets that promise to lose a lot of pounds in a short time can be an unhealthy trap.
The miracle diets can make you lose weight quickly, but you run the risk of rebound effect and return to the weight before starting the diet plan.
Educating yourself in healthy habits to lose weight and stay in shape is essential to lose weight by eating healthy, so the recommendation for the “summer operation” is to follow a low-calorie, balanced diet and include physical activity at least three times a day. week.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.