If you want to lose weight permanently and not regain the lost kilos, then take note of everything you should and should not do to lose weight, without starving and without following monotonous plans or unbalanced diets.
Among the most common mistakes made by those who want to lose weight permanently is starving.
The strict diets are generally poorly balanced and does not give the body the necessary nutrients can affect health and the problem of suffering popularly called rebound effect.
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Lose weight by following a balanced diet
The basis of a good diet is to follow a balanced diet, the same can be applied when you want to lose weight and not regain the lost kilos.
Thus, weight loss plans such as the famous Mediterranean Diet or the Scardale Diet are excellent alternative plans that allow you to lose weight, not regain the lost kilos and also incorporate new eating habits.
By following a balanced diet it is possible to lose weight without starving or compromising adequate nutrition.
A good slimming diet seeks to reduce the consumption of high-calorie foods and replace them with healthier products, with low calories but highly nutritious.
Also, the Alternate Days Diet to lose weight permanently is an efficient and healthy plan to lose weight, endorsed by the European Medical Institute of Obesity.
It is a non-restrictive eating plan and guarantees progressive weight loss without feeling like you are on a diet.
Changing eating habits
If you are one of the people who has a few kilos to spare but the idea of following a diet does not convince you or you feel that you do not have enough willpower to follow a strict meal plan for a long time, you can put into practice some tricks to lose weight definitely without starving.
Choose healthy foods
A healthy, balanced, and low-calorie diet should include lean meats (white and red), fish, raw or cooked vegetables, moderate carbohydrates, and healthy fats like olive oil.
Food should be cooked using little oil, grilled, baked, steamed or in papillote, while the carbohydrates must be whole and the fats can be both olive oil and flaxseeds or those of the fish that also provide Omega 3
Eat slowly
Chewing food well is essential not only to have a good digestion but also to have a greater feeling of satiety and therefore eat less and spend more energy in the body.
Eat every 3 hours
To lose weight and not starve, it is necessary to eat every 3 hours as this provides a constant feeling of satiety.
By eating at short intervals the metabolism is accelerated and the body burns fat deposits more quickly and a more adequate absorption of nutrients.
Control calories
In a balanced diet to lose weight, calories must be controlled, the recommendation is that they be at least 1000 kcal per day, otherwise the plan becomes unbalanced and unhealthy.
Leave the sedentary profile
The practice of physical exercise is essential to put aside the sedentary profile, lose fat and tone muscles.
Exercises such as running, walking, biking, or swimming help you burn fat more quickly.
The idea is to start small and gradually increase physical activity as this way the body can stabilize and it will be easier to lose weight
Maintain adequate hydration
Maintaining adequate hydration is essential for the body, but it also helps to give you a feeling of fullness between meals.
Drinking a glass of ice water drives away hunger and speeds up metabolism as the body has to “warm up” the internal temperature of the body, a process that demands energy.
It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water daily distributed throughout the day.
It is also possible to add fruit juices and infusions without sugar. In addition, water helps to combat fluid retention since urinating more helps to clean the organs.
Flexibility is important when you want to lose weight efficiently, without starving and not gaining weight again.
A good breakfast recharges energy after a good night’s rest and should include whole grains, skim milk, a piece of fresh fruit, and a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea.
A mid-morning snack helps you not feel hungry until lunchtime, which is undoubtedly one of the most important intakes of the day because at that time the body demands more food.
The snack is also important because it provides energy to continue the day, but this meal will always vary depending on the chosen lunch, while dinner should be low in calories but rich in nutrients.
One last piece of advice is that to avoid gaining weight again after losing weight is to implement new eating habits and continue with physical activity, since these long-term budgets make for a healthier and more effective lifestyle.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.