Delicious tropical fruit with a pleasant sweet aroma and lovely yellow flesh, pineapple or ananas comosus is also a healthy food as it helps purify the body and burn fat, which is why the best diet with pineapple is also an excellent resource to lose weight.
Despite being native to Brazil and Paraguay, pineapple today is a fruit consumed worldwide. It is used both for preparing salty and sweet recipes, being an excellent ingredient for making smoothies and cocktails, or simply taking it in the form of juice.
Ally of people who suffer from overweight and obesity, pineapple is a food included in most diets to lose weight. It has nutritional and medicinal properties making it an excellent ingredient for those with type II diabetes since it has an index of low glycemic.
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Nutritional and medicinal properties of pineapple
- Pineapple is a fruit rich in slow-absorbing carbohydrates and provides energy for a prolonged period. Its high iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc and magnesium content transforms it into a natural source of essential minerals for the body.
- Also, pineapple is rich in vitamins Z and group B and C, a great source of antioxidants that fight free radicals and delay skin aging.
- As 85% of pineapple is water, it is a fruit that provides a feeling of satiety and keeps the body hydrated with a deficient calorie intake of 55 per 100 grams. Of this fruit.
- Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, pineapple is also beneficial for people who suffer from gastritis or gout; its high fibre content is an excellent cleanser and helps prevent constipation.
- Recommended to treat cellulite, pineapple becomes an ally of women who suffer from this problem; thanks to its high potassium content, it is a food that, consumed frequently, facilitates the elimination of liquids due to its diuretic effect, avoiding edema.
- Including pineapple in the diet strengthens the immune system and helps it respond correctly to attacks by pathogenic organisms; it is also recommended for those suffering from anemia as it favours the absorption of minerals such as iron.
Pineapple in the diet to lose weight
For those who are on a diet to lose weight or want to stay in shape, pineapple is an excellent ally for its satiating quality and its diuretic and cleansing properties.
Pineapple is one of the most recommended foods to lose weight naturally and healthily since:
- It has negative calories.
- It is a food with high satiating power.
- High diuretic power.
- It helps burn fat.
Pineapple water for weight loss
Pineapple water is an excellent ally to lose weight and very easy to prepare; being enjoyable to consume within a diet to lose weight as it helps eliminate toxins, has a diuretic effect and helps burn body fat.
To prepare pineapple water, the fruit’s rind is used, previously well washed, to which is added a litre of water and a teaspoon of cinnamon and placed in a saucepan to let it boil for half an hour at medium heat.
Once the cooking time has passed, it is removed from the heat and the content is allowed to cool; the liquid is strained and reserved in the fridge to drink a glass of pineapple water every morning as aid and two or three glasses the rest of the day.
When you are on a diet to lose weight, pineapple water is an excellent natural option that helps the body burn fat better, so it is recommended to include it on the menu daily.
A tasty, refreshing, low-calorie food that not only helps to lose weight but also offers a range of health benefits, pineapple cannot be absent from our healthy diet.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.