Infection with coronavirus leads to respiratory damage, which can develop with pneumonia or damage to the whole body (the disease is called, for short, COVID-19).
Table of Contents
How did the Coronavirus appear?
The virus first appeared in the city of Wuhan, China’s Hubei province, and spread domestically and to a lesser extent globally.
An essential element in infection control efforts is understanding how the infection is transmitted by studying epidemiology.
With the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 in Europe, the ECDC outlined four possible scenarios for the evolution of the epidemic and the necessary measures in each case.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Symptoms
The most serious complications of this infection seem to appear especially in people over 60 years of age, but the virus can affect people of all ages, so it is very important to be attentive to the appearance of symptoms that may indicate infection, especially high fever. , persistent cough and shortness of breath.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is transmitted through respiratory secretions and saliva, so it is advisable to be careful to avoid contracting the infection and passing it to others, such as covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, washing your hands regularly and avoiding touching the face, especially in the region of the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) appear to range from a simple flu to a more serious infection. Please answer the following questions to find out what your risk is and what to do if you think you may be infected:
- Do you have a headache or general discomfort?
- Do you have widespread muscle pain?
- Are you feeling excessively tired?
- Do you have a stuffy nose or coryza?
- Do you have a severe, especially dry cough?
- Do you have severe pain or persistent pressure in your chest?
- Do you have a fever over 38ºC?
- Are you having trouble breathing or are you short of breath?
- Are your lips or face slightly bluish?
- You have a sore throat?
Have you been anywhere with a large number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the last 14 days?
Do you think you have had contact with someone who might have the COVID-19 coronavirus) in the last 14 days?
In the case of more serious infections, systemic symptoms, such as muscle aches and gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea and vomiting, can also appear, as well as changes in the blood test, such as a decrease in lymphocytes, platelets and neutrophils.
Loss of smell is a condition scientifically known as anosmia, which can appear when there is temporary or permanent irritation of the nasal mucosa, and is common in other viral respiratory infections. Understand more about loss of sense of smell and why it can happen.
Treatment for coronavirus
Rumors circulate that the way to fight the coronavirus is with anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant antibiotics but in reality there is no medicine to treat or prevent the coronavirus and there is no miracle or effective vaccine for the coronavirus.
At the end of February 2020, the biotechnology company Modern Therapeutics delivered the first vials of its coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine to the United States National Institute of Health, which will take care of preparing the vaccine for testing in humans but so far there is no proof that it is 100% effective.
There is no specific treatment for COVID-19 coronavirus, but support measures such as hydration, rest and light and balanced diet are recommended. In addition, medications for fever and pain relievers, such as Paracetamol, are also indicated, provided they are used under the supervision of the doctor, to relieve symptoms and facilitate recovery.
Some studies are being carried out to check the effectiveness of various antiviral medicines to eliminate the virus from the body, such as Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine or Mefloquine, which have already given positive results in some patients, but no medicine has been shown to be effective so far. cash.
In the most severe cases, the person infected with the coronavirus can also develop viral pneumonia, with symptoms such as severe chest pressure, high fever, and shortness of breath. In these cases, it is recommended to be admitted to the hospital to receive oxygen and remain under continuous monitoring of vital signs.
General precautions to protect yourself from the coronavirus
For people who are not infected, the guidelines are especially suitable for trying to protect against possible contamination. This protection can be done through general measures against any type of virus, which include:
1. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in contact with someone who may be sick.
2. Avoid attending crowded public places, such as shopping malls or academies, preferring to stay at home as long as possible;
3. Cover your mouth and nose when you need to cough or sneeze, using a tissue or clothing, for example;
4. Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth;
5. Wear a personal protective mask if you are sick to cover your nose and mouth when you need to be indoors or with other people;
6. Do not share personal items that may be in contact with drops of saliva or respiratory secretions, such as cutlery, glasses and toothbrushes;
7. Avoid contact with wild animals or any type of animal that appears to be sick;
8. Keep dated environments well aerated, opening the window to allow air circulation;
9. Cook food thoroughly before eating, especially meat, and wash or remove the crust from foods that do not need to be cooked, such as fruits.
Foods that help improve your immune system
Say “NO” to fear, panic, terror, sedentary lifestyle. The advice to overcome all this is to play sports, go for a run or walk for a while, play with the children, listen to relaxing music, drink a lot of fluids so in this way the blood carries oxygen, you can even follow a diet such as Mediterranean diet to maintain optimal weight or even lose a few extra kilos.
- Eat alkaline foods to boost immune defense
- Vegetables and fruits,
- Garlic (preferably raw)
- Ginger and parsley
- Blueberries
- Broccoli
- Mushroom
- Curcuma
- Spinach
- Granada
- Ginger
- Kefir
- Broccoli
- Mushroom
- Curcuma
- Spinach
- Granada
Lemon to open your vascular arteries and raise your defenses because food is nature’s true medicine.
Is the use of a mask mandatory?
As of Sunday, May 3, 2020, the use of a mask is mandatory for all people who use public transport (bus, renfe, air and sea)
Following the WHO guidelines, the Ministry of Health and most specialists pointed out the risk of irregular use of masks by the general population. The mask can become contaminated and expose people to the coronavirus if not used correctly.
Can the surgical mask protect me?
In a limited way, but if you can, that is because the coronavirus is transmitted by droplets eliminated in coughs, sneezes, or speech. Although it does not filter the air, the disposable mask can serve as a barrier to prevent these droplets from contacting the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.
“The mask also helps prevent the person from putting their hand on their face.”
How should I use the mask?
It is essential that the hands are cleaned with soap and water or alcohol gel before and after using the mask. This depends on who is wearing the accessory (whether or not they have coronavirus symptoms).
- With clean hands, put the mask on the face so that it covers both the chin and the nose.
- The mask cannot be loose on the face. To do this, I use the metal accessory on the top of the mask to adhere to the nose, preventing the entry and exit of air.
- During use, the mask should not be touched. Therefore, removing and putting on the mask is not recommended, even if it is removed during speech.
- When removing the mask, the person should not put their hand on the fabric, only on the side strips that adhere to the ear.
Another concern of the portfolio was the lack of product on the market, as many health professionals reported that they did not have access to masks and other individual safety items.
The difficulty in importing products from China is a point of attention. What do those who are in favor of the general use of disposable masks say?
Disposable masks were recommended for general use in other epidemics in Asia, such as H1N1, after studies showed that the item, along with care to wash hands and avoid crowds, reduced flu transmissions.
That is because the mask, although it is a low protection barrier, is still a barrier that is used in the correct way and is combined with the other protection measures.
In addition, in the case of the coronavirus, as many infected do not have symptoms and do not know that they are with Covid-19, the general use mask can help contain the transmission caused by these asymptomatic people.
Inappropriate use is one of the reasons that can make it a vector of contamination. “People may feel uncomfortable, because they are not used to using it, putting their hands to their face more often and in the wrong way”
When will I change my mask?
All home-use masks, whether disposable or cloth, should be replaced once they are damp.
When the mask is wet, it loses its filtering capacity and needs to be changed. So, having four masks to do the exchange is ideal if you spend a lot of your time away from home.
For surgical masks, the average time to effectiveness is two hours and should be discarded after that period. Despite this, the recommendation is that these items are preferably left for use by healthcare professionals, as they are missing from the market.
Upon removal, the mask should be immediately placed in a tightly closed or securely tied plastic bag before being disposed of in the ordinary trash. Also, the person should wash their hands with soap and water after touching the used mask.
When could the coronavirus vaccine be produced?
37 companies started development, around the world. April 2020: first vaccine in clinical trial in humans. This trial began in April and was conducted on 45 healthy subjects to assess the safety of the vaccine.
It should be noted that, with the spread of the new coronavirus, another type of virus has spread, that of the media, and as a consequence, the authorities must also focus their efforts on combating the infodemic, not just the SARS-c0v-2 epidemic .
There is information that circulates through WhatsApp that some Italian doctors broke the WHO protocol and did their own studies on Covid-19 corpses and that thanks to the autopsies carried out by the Italians it was shown that it is not a coronavirus pneumonia if not a disseminated intravascular coagulation THROMBOSIS.
The systematic vaccination to implement the new chip created by the Bill Gates foundation and the burning of corpses so that no investigation remains.
Quarantine to stress and for the sedentary lifestyle of the population is the fastest way for people to die from thrombosis according to studies by specialized doctors.
Say “NO” to fear, panic, terror, sedentary lifestyle. The advice to overcome all this is to play sports, go for a run or walk for a while, play with the children, listen to relaxing music, drink a lot of fluids so in this way the blood carries oxygen, you can even follow a diet such as Mediterranean diet to maintain optimal weight or even lose a few extra kilos.
Eat alkaline foods to raise the immune defense, vegetables and fruits, more garlic (preferably raw), ginger and parsley and lemon to open your vascular arteries and raise your defenses because food is the true medicine of nature.
Who is most at risk for complications?
The risk of serious complications from COVID-19, such as pneumonia, appears to be higher in people over the age of 60 and in all those with weakened immune systems. Thus, in addition to the elderly, they are also part of the risk group;
- People with chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, kidney failure, or heart disease;
- People with autoimmune diseases such as lupus or multiple sclerosis;
- People with infections that affect the immune system, such as HIV;
- People receiving cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy;
- People who have had a recent surgery, mainly transplants;
- People receiving treatment with immunosuppressants.
Being in the risk group does not mean that there is a greater chance of contracting the disease, but there is a greater risk of developing serious complications that can be life-threatening.
Thus, during periods of epidemic or pandemic, these people should, whenever possible, isolate themselves or socially distance themselves to reduce the chances of contracting the disease.
How to confirm the diagnosis?
The diagnosis of the COVID-19 infection begins by evaluating the symptoms, and the WHO establishes that the diagnosis is based on clinical and epidemiological parameters.
In relation to the clinical parameters, the person who has a fever and another flu symptom, and at least one of the epidemiological parameters that are:
Having been in a place where many cases of coronavirus have been identified, having had contact with a suspicious person or having been in direct contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 infection.
After the first evaluation, the doctor may order a COVID-19 test with respiratory secretions or a blood test to confirm that it really is a novel coronavirus infection or not. Depending on the type of exam, the results may take up to 6 hours to be available.
What to do in case of suspicion?
When a COVID-19 infection is suspected, contact the health line to find out how to proceed.
Attention: on the way between home and the health center or hospital, if it is advised to go to the hospital or the health center, you should:
- Wear a disposable mask to protect others from coughing and sneezing that can spread the virus.
- Cover your nose and mouth to sneeze or cough, using a tissue and discarding after each use.
- Wash your hands before leaving home and as soon as you get to the hospital;
- Avoid direct contact with other people through touch, kisses or hugs;
- Avoid using public transportation to get to the hospital.
Once in the hospital, it is important to keep a certain distance from other people, especially in waiting rooms, as this can delay the transmission of the virus.
In addition, it is important to warn all people who have been in close contact during the last 14 days, such as family and friends, about the suspicion, so that these people can be alert to the appearance of symptoms.
Before taking any medication or treatment with antibiotics or coagulants, it is very important that you consult with your competent doctor since each case is particular and only your doctor should treat it.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.