The nutrition children ‘s balanced is achieved by encouraging the consumption of water, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, milk and dairy products are low in fat and salt, and fish, lean meat, providing the necessary nutrients, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, hydration, and a reduction in the intake of foods high in saturated fat, salt and concentrated sweets.
Table of Contents
Child nutrition: obesity in the smallest
Also, from childhood, children should be taught to eat raw fruits and vegetables, and these habits should be adopted by the whole family, because otherwise the little ones will reject these foods.
“Your child should have a balanced infant nutrition and eat from the earliest ages exactly as parents should eat.
“Your child should have a balanced infant nutrition and eat from the earliest ages exactly as parents should eat.
Unfortunately, we are faced with a problem, the fact in nutrition education in Spain is relatively low, and the tendency of most parents is to give their child unhealthy food, give their child a lot of sweets, you does not respect the time of meals.
However, it is extremely important child nutrition that we teach our children to eat healthy from the first age and not wait until they enter school or in adolescence to take these measures.
Child nutrition from the age of one year, the child should have three main meals and two snacks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Breakfast is, experts say, one of the most important meals and should be treated very seriously.
There must be breakfast first. Children have their first meal somewhere at school, a meal often made from what they buy at the kiosk and which are generally unhealthy foods.
A healthy life begins from the first years of life. In summary, these are some tips for parents: child nutrition, together with physical activity, is one of the key elements in the growth and development of the child, and in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders, characteristic of the modern age. .
Responsible for child nutrition are the parents of the choice of food, the establishment of the amount and timing of meals, and their example is also found in the choice of food and life made by the child.
Childhood obesity is associated with cardiovascular risk factors, type 2 diabetes, orthopedic problems, mental health problems, below-average educational attainment, and low levels of self-esteem.
60% of obese children become obese adults, with the entire cohort of health risks associated with obesity. The preschooler is not an adult one size smaller.
The needs of growing infant nutrition (eg Calcium, Iron, Vitamin D ) in relation to body weight (per kilo body) are several times greater than in adults. That is why it is what you eat, not what you eat.
So, what does a child have to eat?
Four to six servings of cereal
Bread and those derived from cereals constitute the base of the food pyramid, since they provide approximately half of the necessary daily energy.
The infant nutrition recommendation corresponds to four or six medium slices of bread or combinations of bread, rice, pasta, etc.
Of course, preference is given to whole grains. Sprouts are included in the category of whole grains. avoid cereals with a sugar content greater than 15%, even at breakfast.
The number of servings of cereals with a high sugar content shall not exceed three servings per week.
Three servings of vegetables and two of fruit
A serving of legumes (beans, peas) can be considered in the number of vegetable servings, or as a serving of meat in a day, but not both.
For healthy child nutrition, it is recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and, for those with seaweed shells, to consume them with the entire shell; in this way, the intake of vitamin C and fiber is maximum.
It is bad practice to clean the apple from the peel or remove the rind from the grape. Two servings of meat or derived meat, fish or egg for the supply of good quality protein (for example, the combination of one egg and 70-80 G of meat or 100-150 G of fish).
Particular attention should be paid to the introduction of the egg into the diet of the young child with an atopic terrain, since the egg may be associated with a digestive allergy phenomenon. It is recommended to eat fish two or three times a week.
Two to three servings of milk or milk products
The infant nutrition or the child’s diet should contain two to three servings of milk / yogurt / cheese, which means two cups of milk and one yogurt or two yogurts and 100g of fresh cheese, for example. In children with lactose intolerance, it is recommended to eat yogurt, cheese, lactose or hypolactose dairy products.
In child nutrition, concentrated sweets and foods rich in fat should be avoided. Only once in a while (once or twice a week) small amounts can be consumed (a candy, two squares of chocolate, a scoop of ice cream).
Steamed, baked, is preferred; avoid frying in oil, butter, lard; for the dressing of the broths, instead of sour cream use skimmed yogurt, and for the preparation of sauces avoid frying the flour in the fat; it is recommended to add the flour during boiling. The most “easy” dessert will be prepared from the dough as simple as possible and the abundant fruit.
Participate with the child in physical activities (walks, runs, cycling, swimming, ball games). Involve your child in some physical activities at home: cleaning, cleaning the Garden, physical activities with the family on weekends (Hiking, Cycling). Enroll your child in organized sports activities.
Encourage walking to school (where possible) and conversation stairs. Do not eat snacks while watching a movie, and installing a television in the child’s room is not recommended.
Proper child nutrition in infancy can bring much healthier eating habits throughout life that can contribute to the general well-being of children, helping them to achieve the real differences to lead a healthy life.
Information on research and monitoring of life in the workplace explain future as well as practice prior to the implementation of the diet. Other parents do not think about child nutrition, they let children eat unhealthy food and drink a lot of unhealthy juices.
So it is important to balance. Cured health on a diet of variants, in addition to being exposed to the risk of childhood obesity, they are more likely to continue making poor food choices as adolescents or adults.
Vitamins in the diet and their role
The absorption of vitamin A (“the vitamin of vision, also participates in immunity) from food (carrots) is best done if they are processed thermally.
Vitamin B12, which is involved in the proper functioning of the nervous system and in the prevention of anemia, is not found in vegetarians. Vitamin B12 is specific to the animal kingdom, the most important sources are: meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs (in particular, the yolk).
A red pepper contains more vitamin C than the needs of an adult / day. Children exposed to cigarette smoke showed a deficiency of vitamin C, through the massive use of vitamin C in the neutralization of inhaled oxidants.
Calcium intake is very important during childhood up to 20 years, 90% of peak bone density has been reached, the level of this peak is genetically determined in the ratio of 60 to 80% (Ross), and the rest is , largely dependent on the intake of calcium, vitamin D and calcium, identified came mainly from milk and dairy products, and vitamin D-from sun exposure, and the consumption of oily fish, liver, and yolk egg, and butter.
The fixation of calcium in the bones is determined by your consumption of calcium and vitamin D, as well as the number of hours of physical exercise (gymnastics, running, team sports , etc.), which, I suppose, to support the weight of the body in contact with the ground (for example, tennis, swimming, and cycling, although it contributes to balanced development, in regulating respiration, you do not have a role to play in the absorption of calcium).
A sufficient intake of human attention can reduce the muscular discomfort that arises from intense physical exertion. The egg has a high nutritional value, but a relatively low caloric value, and quickly produces a feeling of fullness.
The child should eat fish (preferably with fat) twice a week. In addition to protein, fish contains vitamin D, Omega 3 fatty acids, iodine, and other nutritional principles.
My name is Ellie Lauderdale, MD and I am USA based professional Nutritionist .
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and board certified specialist in sports dietetics who is trained in integrative medicine. I have worked with hundreds of clients, from those suffering with chronic disease to professional and olympian athletes. My goal is to help optimize you from the inside so that you can feel, perform, and look your best on the outside.